Entry ID: 549

[if 176 equals=”PayPal/Credit Card”] [/if 176] [if 24 not_equal=”Self”] [/if 24] [if 26 not_equal=”Block of the Month”] [/if 26] [if 26 equals=”Block of the Month”] [/if 26] [if 30 equals=”Yes”] [/if 30]
Quilter Information
[8 show=”field_label”]: [8]
Membership Number: 35 Cora Ave
[10 show=”field_label”]: [10]
Name: Manitoba
[12 show=”field_label”]: [12]
Address: (204) 888-1627
City: dcrowe@shaw.ca
Number of Quilts Registered: 1
Phone: 5.00
[176 show=”field_label”]: [176]
[179 show=”field_label”]: [179]
[180 show=”field_label”]: [180]
Quilt One
Quit 1 Registration: This entry is for Show Only
Section 1:: asda
Entry Type (Q1):
[23 show=”field_label”]: [23]
[24 show=”field_label”]: [24]
[25 show=”field_label”]: [25]
[26 show=”field_label”]: [26]
Design Source Details: [27]
[28 show=”field_label”]: [28]
[29 show=”field_label”]: [29]
[30 show=”field_label”]: [30]
[32 show=”field_label”]: [32]
The Quilt Label:


Shopping Cart